Interview Daniel Crespo, Spanish paragliding champion 2018

We interviewed none other than Daniel Crespo, Spanish paragliding champion in 2018 and also world champion in paratrike, also called paramotor, in 2007. Daniel dedicates a large part of his life to the world of aerial sports, especially paragliding and paratrike. He runs a paragliding and paramotor flight center in Tenerife, where he shares his passion with all those who want to live a paragliding experience, and he also runs an online magazine called “Ojovolador”, where he constantly updates us on the latest news. latest news from the world of paragliding and paramotoring. Let's get to know him a little more!

Daniel crespo

When did you start paragliding and what pushed you to follow the path that has led you here?

A little over 20 years ago, I was riding a motorcycle and saw people paragliding, I was ecstatic. I had always liked air sports, but for economic reasons, I had preferred to stay out of it. At that moment, however, I felt the need to try it and that same day I signed up for a course and little by little I learned. I started flying every day. Paragliding had definitely become an obsession. To such an extent that I decided to sign up for the world championship, in which I obtained good results from the first moment. The best place I got was 18th.

How often do you currently fly?

I fly daily. Tenerife (Daniel Crespo's current place of residence) is also a difficult area to fly in, where you need to work a lot on your flight strategy. I offer paragliding flights and different modalities in Tenerife to all those who share your passion for flying, who are looking forward to getting started or simply living such a unique experience.

What did it mean to you to become Spanish paragliding champion in 2018?

A great satisfaction. She had returned not long ago after a break in competition. Although I have very high self-esteem, at that moment I was going without many expectations, to have fun. The first day of the competition completely changed my mind when I beat a world cup driver with the goal on the first day. At that moment I thought I could do it and I began to believe in my possibilities. Mental strength is much more important than physical strength to be able to give your best in competitions.

What are your next goals?

The world Cup. It is a competition that I go to without expectations, to enjoy and give the best of myself. Mental strength is very important, as I have already mentioned, so I prefer to compete without any pressure.

What does paragliding mean to you?

A lifestyle. Hence, my motto: "Fly to live and live to fly." I encourage you to use the hashtag on your next paragliding flight! #flytolive and #livetofly.

Define paragliding in 3 words

Disconnection, freedom and “3D feeling of speed”.

What are your favorite places to fly in Spain?

It depends on the type of flight. For long distance flights (200-250km) the Yelmo is undoubtedly in the Sierra de Segura, Jaén. To perform acrobatics I would choose Organyà, Catalonia. And finally, for recreational and tourist flights to the Canary Islands.

Anything to say to those who haven't paraglided yet?

Paragliding is the closest thing to dreaming about flying, we have all dreamed about it at some point. I encourage you to dare, to overcome your fears,... the prize is TREMENDOUS. It is an experience that must be lived at least once in a lifetime. Many people rate it after the flight as one of the best experiences of their lives.

Any advice for all those who are deciding to fly right now?

Take it with enthusiasm, do not eat or drink too much before the flight and wear the appropriate clothing for the occasion. But above all, the most important thing is to choose well who you are going to fly with!

Anything else you want to tell us?

If you are interested in paragliding or air sports in general, I encourage you to follow the digital magazine «Flying Eye«. It is the space in which many of us share our passion for flying.

Thank you very much Daniel Crespo for this interview, you have really transported us for a few moments to your world. We wish you the best of luck as you take on your next challenges! For all those readers who have been bitten by the flying bug after reading this interview, go ahead and paraglide in the best paragliding centers in Spain.

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