History of paintball: from its creation to the present

Paintball in Spain has become, in addition to being a form of entertainment and fun, a practice to strengthen team relationships, whether in a business, work, or school context. Paradoxically with its warlike nature, Paintball is a team game that favors developing and strengthening group relationships.

In a Paintball game, two sides compete for an objective. To complete the mission they must put into play not only the physical skill of each player but also strategy, coordination and teamwork.

What is Paintball?

Origins of Paintball

Paintball has its origins in New Hampshire, United States. In the seventies, a pair of buffalo hunters decided to find a way to invent a game in which they would hunt each other. The game was originally called “Survival Game”, "survival game" in English. It consisted of eliminating each other, chasing and hunting each other.

To begin practicing the “Survival Game” the two hunters used guns that fired paint and were used by farmers and ranchers in the area to mark trees and livestock.

The loads in those pistols were limited so they were not fired until they were sure they had the enemy in their sights, so as not to waste the balls. On the other hand, the balls had a mixture of oil and paint and after the game you had to take a literal bath in turpentine essence.

The two hunters began to invite friends to play games of their invention and the practice began to become popular. In this way, compressed air markers began to be improved, enlarging the chambers where the balls are housed, and gel balls were invented.

The use of masks was also incorporated since, until then, they used common glasses that protected only the eyes.

Play Paintball in Spain

Currently Paintball has spread throughout the world. If you want to play Paintball in Spain, the options are many. All provinces in Spain have at least one Paintball field. Discover the best courses in your province by visiting our article: Where to practice Paintball in Spain.

The games are settled in outdoor or indoor settings. Outdoors, they are generally carried out in huge areas totaling thousands of square meters, in natural environments, forests and open-air fields.

The organizers design scenarios related to historical or futuristic battles. Many of them have real elements such as police vehicles, airplanes, and war tanks.

There are also indoor Paintball scenarios in which playing Paintball in Spain means moving inside a power plant or an abandoned building, where the game will take place.

As for markers and paintballs, they have evolved a lot over time. It is played with safe markers of different calibers and maximum shooting speed rules have been established.

The paintballs currently used are biodegradable, harmless to the environment and humans, and their stains are easily cleaned.

Paintball Price

Playing Paintball has a price per player of approximately 25 euros for adults and 15 euros for children. The price may vary depending on the number of players, the duration of the game or the number of balls you want to shoot.


Missions and Objectives

The missions are very varied. Among the most traditional, there would be, for example, the conquest of the flag. There are also missions that consist of protecting an objective, rescuing hostages or laying siege to the enemy fortress. There are many types of missions that you will discover depending on the field you decide to visit in our country.

Paintball game organizers have sharpened their ingenuity to propose original games and the scenarios compete with each other to achieve the maximum possible realism.

Each Paintball game involves several missions. The missions have different durations, depending on their complexity, they can range from five minutes to an hour. Once the objective is achieved, the round ends and a new round begins with another objective, and usually in a new scenario as well.

A monitor will be responsible for supervising the game to ensure that the participants comply with the regulations and regulations of the sport. He will referee the game and will ensure that the experience is not only fun, but also as safe as possible for the participants.

Regulations and Regulations

As it is a practice that in principle could entail certain risks, especially the impact of the balls on the opponent's body, rules have been established that govern the international order.

The rules are as follows:

  • Never remove your mask while on the battlefield.
  • Carry the marker pointed at the ground and with the safety on as long as it is not fired.
  • Do not shoot at shorter established distances, generally less than five meters.
  • Be over 14 years old to handle compressed air markers.

Necessary Equipment to Play Paintball

The core items What you must have to play a game of Paintball are:

  • Marker
  • Paintballs
  • Face mask
  • Propellant source: air, nitrogen or CO2 capsules
  • Automatic or gravity ball loader
  • Barrel plug to prevent accidental shots
  • Appropriate clothing for running, crouching or crawling
  • Footwear suitable for the terrain and comfortable for running

There are others optional items and they may or may not be used depending on the type of game, terrain or characteristics of the missions:

  • Gloves, elbow pads and knee pads
  • Torso and neck protection
  • Hat, wool cap or scarf
  • Camouflage clothing

Paintball for Kids

Although it is a game originally designed and played by adults, smaller markers and other types of markers have been incorporated so that they can be operated by children, which has also given rise to children's paintball.

In children's Paintball games, the paint balls are smaller and have less impact. This modality goes from 8 to 14 years. If people older and younger than 14 years old coincide in a game, it would be necessary to play in the minor category, that is, children's paintball in this case.

Virtually all Paintball centers in Spain have the option of Paintball for children, as well as for adults. The children's modality is an ideal complement for any type of celebration, for example, a birthday.

There are also centers that have all the elements to set up outdoor or indoor stages at the location where the event is held. They transport all the equipment and assemble it for you at your home or wherever you want, as long as certain requirements are met.

If you want to play Paintball in Spain, you just have to visit Everent , and we will put at your disposal the best Paintball offer in Spain so that you can enjoy the best scenarios and the most original proposals.

Jump onto the battlefield!

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  • Introduction
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